My mother resides in a nursing home and I have a 'live' and 24/7 recording monitor. I recently found out…
On What Are Orbs of Light and What Do They Mean?
I absolutely have a haunted doll. We named her Ann after her previous owner who asked that I take her…
On Haunted Dolls 101: An Introduction
In St Cloud, Minnesota, in the year 1979, I actually encountered what I believe was a shapeshifter in a public…
On Shapeshifters – What are They and Are They Real?
I have been hearing weird noises in my woods at my back yard that sound human but don't at the…
On The Story of The Rake
How does a glass case protect anyone from harm in a haunted doll?
On Haunted Dolls 101: An Introduction
Thank you for the information on butterflies. It was hard to tell exactly what color it was. Depending on the…
On What it Means When a Butterfly Lands on You – Spiritual Significance
my name is John Grissom and every other day it seems as I'm drawn to the time 11:11 does anyone…
On Angel Number 1313 – What is the Meaning if You Are Seeing it?
Best Free Ghost Apps to get ,that really work
On Best Free Ghost Apps: Our Top Picks for 2021
Hi my name is stefni My mom passed away two years ago and I take pictures of her trees and…
On Signs You Are Near A Vortex – Paranormal & Spiritual Experiences
Pray to the Lord, he know all!
On The Boondock Saints Prayer – Everything You Need to Know